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Halteman Park 

Building upon previous work conducted by the Department of Landscape Architecture's Park and Open Spaces Design Studio in Ball State University's College of Architecture and Planning, the Studio reconvened during the spring 2020 semester to assist and engage with HVNA to formalize plans for future redevelopment of the former private neighborhood swim club. After much hard work from HVNA, among others, this space formally became a public city park during the Fall of 2019.


During the past several months, the spring landscape architecture studio collaborated with HVNA, the City of Muncie, and the community at large to strategize, vision, and plan for necessary future improvements at Halteman Park. Many thanks to everyone who helped during this process, and especially to Building Better Neighborhoods and Office of Community Engagement at Ball State for their generous support of this project.

Project Outcome


  • Survey/images/feedback from community meeting


  • Online heat map survey to build upon data gathered from community meeting


  • Multiple park plan designs from over a dozen student teams (Grace DeBaun, Andrea Eageny, Stephanie Gates, Morgan Getz, Kaitlin Gobrogge, Elise Granlund, Emma Hawkins, Jared Heitkamp, Allison Janik, Emilee Lemmer, Meaghan Lessley, Eva Martin, Sophie Moody, Bryce Muller, Drayson Nespo, Keller Oeth, Violet Overstreet, Ciera Silva, Claire Thurlow, Krista Walterbusch)


  • Two students (Emma Hawkins and Krista Walterbusch) coalesced multiple student designs into one design (plans, perspectives, sections, etc.) and created a planning report for HVNA and the City to assist them in moving forward.


  • Flythrough video

Project Report 

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