Halteman Park
CreatINg Places Campaign
We exceeded our campaign goals!
We received $46,920 from 135 donors in just sixty days! This is amazing! What a tremendous effort shown by so many who supported this campaign! We will receive the matching grant from Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority on the initial $30,000 raised. This provides $60,000 for new playground equipment to be installed. The additional $16,920 will be added to other funds generated from grants we've applied for, and will be used for a pavilion.
We are happy to report that demolition has begun onsite, making way for new and exciting things to come for our Park! Follow our Halteman Park page for the most recent news and updates. Once again, from the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU one and all!
Thanks to the incredible generosity of so many of our friends and neighbors we are pleased to announce, we met our original goal! With the 50/50 match from the IHCDA grant, we are now able to move forward with the purchase agreement for the new playground equipment! From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU. None of this would have been possible without each and every one of you who have contributed to our campaign, as well as those who have collaborated with us on this endeavor.
Having met our goal in less than 30 days, we now have the opportunity to continue crowdfunding through Patronicity until the original deadline of April 6. If we meet our stretch goal, this will enable us to add other amenities such as a pavilion and landscaping to the park.
We have decided to take this opportunity offered us, and continue the incredible momentum toward a new goal of $45,000, just $15,000 beyond our original target amount. While this additional amount does not qualify for the 50/50 matching grant, it will be invaluable to the project nonetheless.
Therefore, we ask that if you can, please continue to contribute. Every donation counts, regardless. We appreciate every one of you who is helping make this into a park our entire community can be proud of and enjoy. If you cannot afford to contribute, please continue to share this information with your network. Spreading the word is just as valuable to the overall success of our efforts!

About Our Campaign:
After years of challenges, the private Halteman Swim Club closed its doors in 2017 and was sold shortly after during a county foreclosure tax sale. Since that time, the property has become blighted, dangerous, and an overall eyesore upon the neighboring community. The now-defunct pool is both a health and safety hazard for everyone.
Since that time, HVNA has worked to find a positive solution for the site. We have:
reorganized a formal neighborhood association
incorporated as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization with the IRS
convinced the City of Muncie to retain ownership of the property for valuable green space
held multiple meetings and orchestrated community visioning sessions with residents
partnered with the College of Architecture and Planning at Ball State University to re-envision the site
begun to fund raise.
All of these efforts are for the same end goal: to transform the site into a public park that all residents can be proud of. We are pleased to announce that we are ready to put all of our planning into action, to revitalize the area with a new and improved public park!
We have been accepted into the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority's (IHCDA) CreatINg Places grant program. They will match every dollar we raise up to $30,000 to purchase and install quality playground equipment at the park. But we can't do this alone. We need support from friends, neighbors and community partners such as yourself.
If you would like to learn more about our campaign, or to make a tax-deductible* donation, please visit our crowdfunding page on Patronicity for more information.

We Did It!
campaign total:
​Stefan and Joan Anderson
George & Frances Ball Foundation
Re/Max Real Estate Groups
Sugarbush Apartments
​Chris and Christine Allen
Express Employment, Nate & Nikall Miller
Hoosier Technology
John R. Jeffs
Anthony & Christine Mahon
We Love Our Neighborhood
​Jeanne Alexander
Kimberly A. Caristi
Mark and Denise Flanders
Peter Gitman and Rebecca Cox
Timothy Hess
Adam D. Hill
Mike, Jami and Mia Jones
Kristen McCauliff and Drew Shermeta
Amy Moudy
Brad and Ann Polk & Family
​Brandon, Kristi, Addie and Ainsley Walters​​​
​Brian and Janie Allardt
Kevin Bragg
Clark and Kelsey Brasel
Kara Byrn
Melinda Franz
David Douglass
J. P. and Jenica Hall
Brenda Howe
John and Gwen Lattimer
​Ti Wohit, Aime Maycheck and 3 boys
Robert C. Baas
Ashely Boester-Dean
Robert A. Brookey
Martha Busen
Kristina K. Comer
​Tim Conner
Albert E. Cunliff
Karen Daugherty
Teresa J. Dittus
Carla Elzey
Jackie Fisher
Tim & Melba Fox
Lisa Goodpaster
Nancy Gould
Jay Halteman
Marene L. Heintzelman
Emily Hitchcock
Jennifer Hollems
Melissa Hull
Rachel Hunt
Ari Hurwitz
Amy Jackson-Moore
Kanda Kramer
Andy Kuzma
Raquel Lopez
Brad Marshall
Cindy & David Miller
Donald L. Miller
The Mays & Bows Show
​​​Polly A. Orrick
The Parkers
David Perkins
Nancy Joan Satterfield
Carol Seals
Ro Selvey
Mindy Shull & Will Price
Mike & Carolyn Sullivan
Gary Swetnam
Heather Troupe
Michael Tschuor
Jacquie Vegh
​Susan Volbrecht
Lynne Wallace
Victor Whitehead
*Halteman Village Neighborhood Association, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization. Donations are tax deductible according to IRS publication 78 guidelines for public charities.