Approved May 31, 2022
Present: Rodney Avery, Kevin Bragg, Rebecca Cox, Aaron Clark (city council at-large), Peter Gitman, Lisa Goodpaster (secretary), J.P. Hall (president), Brad Marshall (treasurer), Violet Orto, Sharon Spoerner, Lauren Walker.
The minutes from the March 26, 2022 meeting were reviewed. A correction was made under “Halteman Park Updates” on page two: replace “Lancaster” with “Lincolnshire” on the fifth and sixth bullet points. Hearing no additional questions or corrections to the minutes, the president called for a motion to approve. Brad Marshall moved and Pete Gitman seconded. All voted in favor. Minutes approved with corrections.
Treasurer’s Report
Marshall presented the treasurer’s report for the period ending April 25, 2022. Our current fund balance is $12,681.37. Marshall reported the $500 received by President Hall during the annual I.D.E.A. conference for the Halteman Park project. $7500 of our current balance is what’s left of the Zeigler grant, restricted for use on beautification/landscaping. Also noted were the neighborhood ARP funds which we anticipate being available soon. These funds also have restrictions on how they are used. President Hall called for a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Pete Gitman moved and Sharon Spoerner seconded. All voted in favor. Treasurer’s report approved.
American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funding Discussion
Hall recapped the American Rescue Plan funding discussed during our last meeting. The city allocated $1 million to be divided among the city’s 25 neighborhood associations. Funding is based upon need (below the median income level for the city of Muncie), and size of the neighborhood association’s area. HVNA was considered based upon the demographics of both Halteman and Norwood areas, and will receive $43,437.
Ineligible uses:
1. infrastructure
sidewalks (installation, repair, upkeep)
roads / curbs
2. marketing materials
print materials
neighborhood meeting/sale/identification signs
Eligible uses:
1. beautification/blight removal
purchase a building/house to demolish
adopt-a-lot program
exterior home improvements
trees, plantings and upkeep
community garden
2. utility and bill assistance programs
3. direct payments to neighbors
4. home improvements
5. parks (coordination with Muncie Parks Department required)
additional features to already created parks
updating existing parks
creating new parks
6. public art and murals (will require partnership/coordination with Muncie Arts & Culture Council)
7. purchases for neighborhood community use
gardening equipment/storage of equipment
8. ideas requiring cooperation with the city
flashing caution lights to alert drivers of speed limits
bus shelters
A survey was created and distributed via email, Facebook and NextDoor to gather feedback from residents regarding fund use. In total, 71 people responded. Hall read aloud many of the responses. Key takeaways:
1. When asked if Halteman Park was an appropriate place to spend the ARP funds:
Yes = 57 (85.1%)
No = 2 (3%)
Undecided/not sure = 8 (11.9%)
2. When asked what the park needs more than anything:
Benches = 19 (27.5%)
Picnic tables = 14 (20.3%)
Pickle ball court = 9 (13%)
Lighting = 13 (18.8%)
Other = 14 (20.3%)
After much discussion, it was determined we would meet again to make a determination on fund use.
Halteman Park Updates / Discussion
Need to finish the park. Resolution needed:
picnic tables and benches
another grass seeding
finished walking path (gravel not holding up well)
second sign at Lincolnshire parking lot entrance
hole in ground where water lines are on Lincolnshire side – safety issue
exposed (grounding?) wire around perimeter of splash pad – safety issue
restroom / shower building
pickle ball court
more trash cans
bike racks
The Zeigler Foundation provided an extension on the beautification grant. It must be spent before the end of summer. We are at a stand still until major work is complete on restroom and south end where the old tennis courts still remain. No updates from the city yet.
Hall provided an update regarding Flatland Resources. We had approved their quote of $10,790 for landscaping, which would fulfill the Zeigler grant. Flatland will not warranty/guarantee plantings without adding watering maintenance for a year. We will need to consider this situation.
Traffic / Speed Limits / Signage
The recent traffic changes approved by council were discussed. These include:
stop sign @ Oakwood and Purdue
stop sign @ Purdue and Tillotson (converting 1-way to 3-way stop)
reducing speed limit to 25 mph throughout entire neighborhood
establishing a 20-mph school zone around Mitchell Early Childhood and Family Center, from Tillotson to North Redding
Other changes we had requested will be included in Ordinance 57-21 (much larger city-wide traffic plan) and will require a traffic study before determination is made.
Halteman Ditch Discussion
No updates.
Studio 165+ Project
Hall reported the class has developed two new promotional brochures for HVNA. One will be utilized for potential new residents, and could be provided to realtors. The other is for new residents who’ve just moved to the area.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Our next regular meeting will be held Tuesday, May 31, 2022 at 7 p.m., Halteman Baptist Church.
Respectfully submitted – Lisa Goodpaster, secretary