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Meeting Minutes | February 22, 2022

Halteman Village Neighborhood Association

Updated: Jun 2, 2022

Approved March 29, 2022


Present: J.P. Hall (president), Brad Marshall (treasurer), Brad Polk (vice president), Pete Gitman, Mayor Dan Ridenour (City of Muncie). No names were recorded from other meeting participants.


President Hall called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.


Minutes from the December meeting were presented. Pete Gitman made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Brad Marshall seconded. All voted in favor. Minutes accepted.

Treasurer's Report:

Brad Marshall presented the treasurer's report. Brad Polk made the motion to approve, seconded by Pete Gitman. All voted in favor. Treasurer's report accepted.

ARP Funding:

Discussion of the program to date and expectations moving forward. Marshall mentioned he submitted our intent to apply letter and heard back from Mo Orbin, program manager at Muncie Action Plan. Next step is to bring Mo at a meeting. J.P. stated he would reach out and invite her to our March meeting.

Halteman Park updates:

J.P. updated everyone on where things were in regard to the Zeigler grant. We have around $10,000 and it has to be used for landscaping. We received an initial number from Flatland Resources to do a planting plan ($1,500) and from there they would be able to give us a number for the work. The mayor suggested that the City might have some planning dollars available. J.P. proposed that we moved forward with Flatland's planting plan if city funds could support. Pete Gitman made a motion to proceed. Brad Marshall seconded. All in favor.

J.P. shared that it was his hope that we would have pickleball courts to improve where the existing and former tennis courts are located. Mayor informed the group that there was currently no money allocated for that and encouraged us to keep advocating for it. We need to meet with At-Large City Council members.

Discussion ensued around future needs at the park to get ready for the opening day. All agreed that it was a mad rush to get things together for ribbon cutting, but we need to focus on needs (restrooms, etc.). Mayor suggested Carl Malone will be lead on the park moving forward. We need to get a meeting with Carl and the Mayor as soon as possible.

Brad Polk brought up picnic tables and benches. Lighting at the park was discussed. Brad Marshall is going to reach back out to AEP.

Traffic/Speed Limits/Signage: Voting on the proposed ordinance was tabled until March. Brad Polk guarantees it will be brought off the table for the April 4 City Council meeting.

Halteman Ditch:

No new discussion.

Studio 165+ Promotional Project:

Need to submit feedback to Shantanu Suman as soon as possible.

New Business:

Discussion ensued about sidewalk money via MITS. Unclear if this will move forward since Brian Stephens-Hotopp is no longer the city engineer.

Neighborhood signage was discussed, and if Halteman was going to get some. The Mayor expressed surprise that we had not received any. J.P. mentioned that he would reach out to Heather Williams with Building Better Neighborhoods about this.

I.D.E.A. Conference is March 5. Polk encouraged all to attend. J.P. mentioned that he submitted Halteman Park project as a potential project for an award.

Brad Marshall mentioned the city pothole reporting site and encouraged everyone to report. Also, can report sidewalks and signs. Better than calling in.

There being no further business to discuss, meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

- Submitted by J.P. Hall, president


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