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Meeting Minutes | March 29, 2022

Halteman Village Neighborhood Association

Approved April 26, 2022


Present: Rodney Avery, Doug Butts, Rebecca Cox, Peter Gitman, Lisa Goodpaster (secretary), J.P. Hall (president), Brad Marshall (treasurer), Megan (Mo) Orbin (Muncie Action Plan), Violet Orto, Brad Polk (vice president), Mark Popovich, Lauren Walker.


President Hall called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.


The minutes from the February 22, 2022 meeting were recorded by the president during the secretary’s absence, and read aloud to the members present. Hearing no questions or corrections to the minutes, the president called for a motion to approve. Brad Marshall moved and Pete Gitman seconded. All voted in favor. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report

Marshall presented the treasurer’s report for the period February 23 – March 29, 2022. Our current fund balance is $12,181.37. Of those funds, $10,824.16 remains from the Zeigler Foundation grant, which has a limited-purpose use for landscaping, yet to be determined. Also noted was the anticipated $42,000 income, representing HVNA’s share of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) competitive grant monies allocated for neighborhood associations. Mo Orbin will discuss further. Marshall mentioned residuals received from Amazon Smile purchases, and announced he will register HVNA as a charitable organization through the Kroger Community Awards program. Customers can link their Kroger/Payless card to HVNA so that a % of store purchases will be contributed to the organization. More information will be published on our website. There being no questions, President Hall called for a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Pete Gitman moved and Mark Popovich seconded. All voted in favor. Motion passed.

American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funding

Mo Orbin, Muncie Action Plan, discussed the neighborhood competitive grant program. The city allocated $1 million of ARPA funds to be divided among the 25 neighborhood associations within the city. Funding amounts were based upon neighborhood need (below the median income level for the city of Muncie), and size of the neighborhood association’s area, which includes Halteman and Norwood areas. The committee determined HVNA will receive $43,437.08. MAP is not restricting use; the program follows federal grant regulations.

Eligible uses:

1. beautification/blight removal

  • purchase a building/house to demolish

  • adopt-a-lot program

  • exterior home improvements

  • trees, plantings and upkeep

  • community garden

2. utility and bill assistance programs

3. direct payments to neighbors

4. home improvements

5. parks (coordination with Muncie Parks Department required)

  • addition features to already created parks

  • updating existing parks

  • creating new parks

6. public art and murals (requires partnership/coordination with Muncie Arts & Culture Council)

7. purchases for neighborhood community use

  • gardening equipment/storage of equipment

  • lawnmower

8. ideas requiring cooperation with the City

  • streetlights

  • flashing caution lights to alert drivers of speed limits

  • bus shelters

Uses not allowed:

1. infrastructure

  • sidewalks (installation, repair, upkeep)

  • roads / curbs

2. marketing materials

  • signage

  • t-shirts

  • print materials

  • neighborhood meeting/sale/identification signs

Funds can be divided however we see fit – either 42 small projects @ $1k per, or one project at $42k, or any combination between, as long as project(s) fit criteria. Money will be available as soon as May 1; must be committed by January 1, 2025. Dan Gibson is managing funds, which will remain in MAP’s account until we request to be expended and/or closed. Any remaining funds will revert to the funding pool and offered to other neighborhoods. We will work hard to make sure projects are in compliance.

Next step is to seek input from neighborhood. We will compile a survey and send to neighbors through both Facebook and NextDoor, as well as direct email marketing. We will present survey responses during our next meeting to discuss and determine as a group the best use for the funds.

Halteman Park Updates / Discussion

Need to finish the park. There is much left to complete. Not certain when or if the city plans to complete their planned improvements in the initial phase of the park renovations. Seems all else ceased once splash pad was installed and some trees were planted. Resolution needed:

1. picnic tables and benches

2. another grass seeding

3. landscaping

4. finished walking path

5. second sign at Lincolnshire parking lot entrance

6. hole in ground where water lines are on Lincolnshire side – safety issue

7. exposed (grounding?) wire around perimeter of splash pad – safety issue

8. restroom / shower building

  • awning

  • siding / repainted

  • interior

  • water inside (leak?)

9. pickle ball court

10. more trash cans

Board needs to meet with parks department superintendent, mayor, city engineer (?) to discuss and determine the status, with anticipated completion dates. We received an extension on the Zeigler grant; must be spent before summer. It is imperative that any major work is complete before moving forward with beautification efforts.

Two proposals for landscaping were reviewed. Flatland Resources quoted $10,790 and Brumond Smith Nursery quoted $14,181.46. This would be in addition to what funds the mayor had indicated in the past he would have to allocate. We would need to paint or reside the restroom building as soon as weather breaks before landscaping. Need to have a water spigot for watering as well. Both proposals were reviewed and discussed. President Hall called for a motion on the two bids. Marshall moved and Gitman seconded to accept the Flatland Resources quote. Ten voted in agreement, one abstained. Motion passed.

Improvements will need to be complete before we plan a grand re-opening in 2022.

Traffic / Speed Limits / Signage

Traffic ordinance was discussed. Polk will bring off the table for a vote during city council’s April meeting. The plan calls for:

  • stop sign @ Oakwood and Purdue

  • stop sign @ Purdue and Tillotson (converting 1-way to 3-way stop)

  • reducing speed limit to 25 mph throughout entire neighborhood

  • establishing a 20-mph school zone around Mitchell Early Childhood and Family Center, from Tillotson to North Redding

Other changes requested were included in Ordinance 57-21 (much larger city-wide traffic plan) and will require traffic study before determination is made.

Halteman Ditch Discussion

No updates yet.

Studio 165+ Project

J.P. reported on the promotional pieces being completed by the student group. MAP has offered to print. Mo will consult with Heather Williams at MAP regarding new neighborhood signage.

New Business

Hall reached out to Patronicity regarding another campaign. Uncertain if we can use ARP funds to leverage the efforts as our match. Hall announced HVNA received an award from the I.D.E.A. Conference for the park project. We have accomplished much; however, there is much more to be done.

Other suggestions for park:

  • bike racks (mayor had mentioned awhile back)

  • electricity run to pavilion

  • lighting

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:22 p.m.

Our next meeting will be held Tuesday, April 26, 2022 at 7 p.m., Halteman Baptist Church.

Respectfully submitted – Lisa Goodpaster, secretary

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