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Meeting Minutes | February 23, 2021

Halteman Village Neighborhood Association

Updated: Mar 31, 2022

Approved June 29, 2021


Present: J.P. Hall (president), Brad Polk (vice president), Brad Marshall (treasurer), Lisa Goodpaster (secretary), Donna Catron (Muncie Public Library), Aaron Clark (City Council), Anne Eliades, Peter Gitman, Troy Ingram (City Council), Mo Orbin, Chandra Parks (City of Muncie), Ro Selvey (City Council), Tracy Stevens, Jacquelyn Vegh, Ryan Webb (County Council).


J.P. Hall opened the online meeting at 7 p.m. The minutes from the January 26 meeting were presented. After a brief review, Brad Polk made a motion to accept the meeting minutes, and Peter Gitman seconded. All voted in favor. Minutes approved.

Brad Marshall gave the Treasurer’s report for the period January 2 – February 21, 2021. At the present we have $5,295 in our account, $5,200 of which is from two cash contributions to our Patronicity fundraiser, and a $95 in our general fund. The remainder of the crowdfunding campaign contributions will be automatically deposited once we’ve met our goal. Additionally, we have a commitment from Stefan Anderson, as well as the George & Frances Ball Foundation grant which we anticipate receiving soon. After some discussion, Lisa Goodpaster moved to accept the Treasurer’s report. Peter Gitman seconded. All voted in favor. Treasurer’s report approved.

J.P. Hall discussed the progress with the Patronicity crowdfunding campaign. We currently have $23,551 committed toward our initial goal of $30,000, and we anticipate another $5,000, which means we will meet our initial goal in less than 28 days. Additionally, we know of $5,000 commitments each, from Stefan Anderson, a grant from the George & Frances Ball Foundation, and a long-time neighborhood resident who wishes to remain anonymous. This will add another $15,000, bringing us to $45,000.

With more than 30 days still left in the campaign, Patronicity suggested we continue fundraising through the original target date (April 6) by setting a “stretch goal”, for an additional $10,000. This would enable us to raise monies for additional improvements to the park, such as a pavilion. Anything raised beyond the initial $30,000 will not be eligible for the matching grant from IHCDA, but will be useful nonetheless.

Hall continued to report that the Zeigler Foundation accepted our Letter of Intent (to apply for a grant) to apply for a community grant. We will apply for a grant seeking $25,000, which will also be used toward the addition of a pavilion and landscaping. This is not a guarantee that the application will be approved; however, the Foundation did encourage us to apply before the March 15 deadline.

Brad Marshall reported that he and Dustin Clark (City of Muncie) have discussed the costs of a pavilion, which is estimated to run between $15-18,000 for a 15 x 30 structure. He will send us some specifications and cost estimates later this week. We want to be certain a concrete foundation is included with the pavilion, so it is imperative we make sure this is included in the specs.

The Zeigler Foundation is focused on funding beautification efforts, and the grant funds could potentially be used for landscaping as well. Brad Marshall shared the mayor’s “1000 trees in 1000 days” effort, and it’s highly possible the park could be included in this tree planting effort.

After some discussion, everyone agreed to go forward with setting an additional $10,000 stretch goal with Patronicity, and to proceed with the $25,000 grant application with the Zeigler Foundation.

We are working on getting thank-you letters out to all crowdfunding campaign donors. At present, we have 79 donors. The board will sign the letters, which will be mailed within the next week.

Hall requested approval to proceed with engaging Commercial Recreation Group for the purchase of playground equipment at a cost of $60,000. It is urgent that we lock in the price now, considering the impending industry-wide increase in the cost of steel (estimated to be 5%), as well as the company’s own bi-annual 3% price increase, both of which are expected to occur next month. CRG typically requires 50% down at the time of contract signing; however, they have agreed to waive that requirement at this time, with the understanding that funds will come soon thereafter. The price quote from CRG expires February 28; therefore, we need to sign very soon.

Discussion ensued regarding options for use of the additional monies from the stretch goal. Suggestions made included additional swings, benches, seating under the pavilion, landscaping, and/or providing a portion of the total cost for a pavilion. Hall will get some quotes for these options. Polk suggested perhaps reaching out to the Muncie Area Career Center’s Building Trades program, or preferably, the City’s Parks Department for park benches and/or pavilion seating.

It was suggested that for accountability sake, we designate two board members as signatories on all future contracts approved by the members of the neighborhood association. A recommendation was made to grant this authority to the president and treasurer. Pete Gitman moved and Brad Polk seconded, and all voted in favor. Motion approved.

A motion was then made by Pete Gitman, to move forward with the contract agreement with CRG, for $60,000 toward the purchase and installation of new playground equipment, as quoted. Brad Marshall seconded. All voted in favor. Motion approved.

President Hall announced he will be presenting on behalf of HVNA during the annual I.D.E.A. conference on Saturday, March 6. He will be sharing the park project with the audience, which will provide a great opportunity to share with other community members about the process and our progress.

President Hall discussed a grant opportunity made available through Building Better Neighborhoods, in the amount of $500, to be used for promotional needs for the campaign (signs, postage, etc.), and asked for approval to apply for the grant. Brad Polk moved and Lisa Goodpaster seconded, and all voted in favor. Motion approved.

There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned. Our next meeting will be Tuesday, March 30, 2021.

  • Respectfully submitted by Lisa Goodpaster, secretary


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