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Meeting Minutes | January 26, 2021

Halteman Village Neighborhood Association

Updated: Mar 31, 2022

Approved February 23, 2021


Present: J. P. Hall (president), Brad Polk (vice president), Brad Marshall (treasurer), Lisa Goodpaster (secretary), Clarence Casazza, Donna Catron (Kennedy Branch, Muncie Public Library), Dustin Clark (City of Muncie), Peter Gitman, Kelly Hampton, Chandra Parks (City of Muncie).


President Hall opened the online meeting at 7 p.m.

The minutes from the July and October, 2020 meetings were presented. After review, Brad Polk moved to accept the meeting minutes, and Peter Gitman seconded. All voted in favor. Minutes approved.

Brad Marshall gave the Treasurer’s report. We will need to determine how we want to separate monies for reporting purposes, specifically, keeping the park project separate from other activities. Marshall explained that we should not incur any checking account dormancy fees in the future. At present, we have $5,095 in our account, most of which represents a generous donation toward the park project. After some discussion, Lisa Goodpaster moved to accept the Treasurer’s report. Brad Polk seconded. All voted in favor. Treasurer’s report approved.

J. P. Hall gave a brief presentation to the audience, recapping the park design images from the landscape architecture students at Ball State. This project was made possible through a $500 grant with the Building Better Neighborhoods program at Ball State. There will be a new playground, a water element, green space, new basketball/tennis court, a 400-meter walking path around the perimeter, benches, renovated restroom facilities, among other things. These images and other information about the project will be posted on our website at

During the first phase of the project, the old pool and deck structures will be demolished thanks to the city’s Community Development department. The property qualifies as blight; therefore, the demolition can be completed using CDBG grant funds.

Hall announced that HVNA has been approved for a CreatINg Places grant through the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority. We will launch a crowdfunding campaign through Patronicity on February 5. We have set a $30,000 goal and will need to raise the funds within sixty days of launching the campaign. If we meet our goal, IHCDA will provide a 50/50 match up to $30,000. The $60,000 will be used for purchase and installation of new playground equipment, which must be installed within one year. We will need everyone’s help in promoting this campaign. At the present, we have received a generous donation of $5,000 from Ryan Kramer/ReMax Real Estate Group. Additionally, we have a verbal commitment of another $5,000 from a longtime Halteman resident who wishes to remain anonymous. We will also be applying for a $5,000 grant from the George and Frances Ball Foundation.

Dustin Clark reported that the city has engaged with a local company, Vortex, to install the splash pads in the parks. They are pushing forward with Cooley Park, and plan to do Halteman Park this year as well. The plans are for demolition to begin within the next month or so, depending upon weather, being completed by the end of March. This will prepare the site for the playground installation. We will know more once the bids are reviewed and a contractor is selected.

There was some discussion regarding the proposed splash pad, and determined that the best option is to keep it at ten or twelve water features, with 2300 square foot concrete pad.

Brad Polk raised the point that the restrooms at the former pool site had an ongoing drainage issue, and he was concerned that this would remain an issue if plumbing wasn’t redone. Clark responded that he and Brian Stephens-Hotopp had met with contractors, and it was determined it was not feasible to rehab the larger building, because the utilities and the slab were not in very good condition. They will look into the plumbing issue in the smaller building, since this will be where the restrooms are to be housed.

In other business, it was mentioned that we need to seriously address the speed limit issues in the entire HVNA area, especially considering the new park improvements, which will create an increase in traffic by car, bicycle and foot. Polk suggested proposing an ordinance during the next city council meeting to set a 20-mph limit in the entire area. It will be proposed and hopefully passed before the park renovations begin.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned. Our next meeting will be Tuesday, February 23, 2021.

- Respectfully submitted by Lisa Goodpaster, secretary


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