Approved January 26, 2021
Present: J. P. Hall (president), Brad Polk (vice president), Lisa Goodpaster (secretary), Carolyn, Tony Mahon, Mo Orbin, Tracey Stevens.
President Hall opened the meeting at 7 p.m.
President Hall announced that he had a meeting with the Mayor and other city officials to present the park proposal, and it was well-received. In short, they are onboard with the plans; however, they have prioritized Cooley Park to be completed first and foremost. Some work may be done this year, but most should be completed primarily in 2021. We should expect that this project will be conducted in several phases, over the course of a few years.
HVNA will be primarily serve to help raise funds for the project. The first phases will include:
Demolition of the deck and pool
Installation of track/walking path
Working with AEP to plant trees
Tony Mahon asked if the city wants to maintain the bath house and/or concession building, are they willing to maintain this, or would the neighborhood association assume responsibility? We should address the city for clarification of roles/responsibilities.
Brad Polk reported that until such time as the pool is removed, the city will monitor the issues with flooding and water collecting, and maintain the property to ensure it doesn’t become a safety concern to the neighborhood. Polk continued, he spoke with the county commissioners who indicated they could feasibly provide some support for the project through EDIT funding.
Mahon asked if the city steered the project, would they need to send it out for bid? Polk will investigate this further. Hall indicated that perhaps a memorandum of understanding (MOU) should be prepared between the city and HVNA, so that this is well-defined and understood by all parties.
Discussion turned to fundraising, and what our efforts should be going forward. Specifically, we need to set up an online giving portal on our website, in addition to a fundraising letter. We should set a goal of receiving approximately 80% of our funding from corporations and granting organizations, and 20% from individuals.
Mo Orbin mentioned Patronicity, which is a matching grant program affiliated with the State. Hall will investigate this further.
At this time, we are uncertain what COVID restrictions will have on our immediate future plans. We will plan to meet again when possible, but at this time, we will not set a concrete date.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned.
- Respectfully submitted by Lisa Goodpaster, secretary